Black Dagger Paint
Friday, 21 December 2018
Thursday, 26 July 2018
Recent works
Hey guys been a long time since I updated the blog. Mostly on facebook these days anyway here's a few pics of my recent work. If you want to see more of my stuff check out the facebook page, just search @blackdaggerpaint in the Facebook search bar.
Hope you like.
Hope you like.
Wednesday, 18 January 2017
KY-RA 75mm
Hey guys finished painting kyra from kabuki models hope you like it. photos are not great but will make a 360 video soon ☺
Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Hey guys painted this in a few hours more of a sketch in paint. It's just a press mould of a small statue so can't take any credit for sculpt but thought it would be a good idea to help me practice painting faces.
Sunday, 1 January 2017
New year W.I.Ps
Hey guys happy new year to you all, 2016 was an odd year for my painting i very much lost the urge to paint and it felt more like a chore than a hobby, the fun definitely went out of painting for some reason i only painted 3 minis i think all year that is the least amount in a very long time. im back to enjoying painting now i guess that i was always painting with contests in mind and that took away the fun of it all. too serious i suppose, anyway im back on the horse and been working on a few things.
first is the awesome 75mm KY-RA from kabuki models i love this mini so much fun to paint. its still very much a work in progress but ive done enough to show it.
extreme close up wooooooe !!!!!

Next to paint is the axe's and then on to the base, sorry for bad phone pics i will take some better ones soon
first is the awesome 75mm KY-RA from kabuki models i love this mini so much fun to paint. its still very much a work in progress but ive done enough to show it.
extreme close up wooooooe !!!!!

also working on a few other things
space marine (no chapter )
also been playing around with the citadel tints set. interesting !!!
anyways guys hope you have a great new year more to come soon. keep brush lickin. peace
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Doombull 360 video !!!
Hey guys made another 360 video this time the doombull i painted for golden demon back in 2013. a lot of fun making these vids.
peace hope you enjoy !!!
peace hope you enjoy !!!
Monday, 24 October 2016
360 video Blightking
Hey guys been working on a 360 video of the blightking i painted early in the year. its a little basic but im new to this video biz hope you will check it out. let me know what you Think.
blightking video
blightking video
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Golden demon entry 2016
Hey guys sorry for the lack of posts of late, motivation has been at absolute zero for the last few months but things are getting back on track, must show you my entry for golden demon earlier in the year. Ultramarines leviathan dreadnought. this took me almost forever to get finished i lost track of how many hours i spent on it. there was also a banner that never got done so i wasnt totally happy in the end.
I got a finalist pin for it and for my other entries so 3 pins on the day not bad. more stuff soon, im thinking of painting some other model ranges and some busts next as i seamed to have burned out on gw at the mo. hope you like the pics.
I got a finalist pin for it and for my other entries so 3 pins on the day not bad. more stuff soon, im thinking of painting some other model ranges and some busts next as i seamed to have burned out on gw at the mo. hope you like the pics.
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Black dagger paint on facebook !
Hey guys i decided to also start a page on facebook if you would like to join just check it out hereBLACK DAGGER PAINT ON FACEBOOK
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Ultramarine captain pt2
Hey guys now that crimbo and new year are done with its back to the norm at last. Time to get the brushes out once again. Done alot more of the utramarine captain in 2 sessions about ten hours in total so a quick paint job for fun. hope you like him. peace out.
Sunday, 20 December 2015
Hey guys its nearly crimbo again and its a busy time of year for me, so i decided not to take on anything to serious project wise, Although i have been building a complex base for a future project but the painting is going to push my limits so that will wait until after christmas when things are back to normal.
So in the meantime i am painting the web store exclusive space marine (no1 i think there were 3) but ive added a few bits from the ultramarines up grade sprue. I've decided to go with the more modern darker armor that gw seam to paint these days years ago they were lighter. but like i said this will be a fun little project so not to fussed with perfection. just fun fun !!!
So in the meantime i am painting the web store exclusive space marine (no1 i think there were 3) but ive added a few bits from the ultramarines up grade sprue. I've decided to go with the more modern darker armor that gw seam to paint these days years ago they were lighter. but like i said this will be a fun little project so not to fussed with perfection. just fun fun !!!
Sunday, 22 November 2015
Asgrim the dwarf
Hey guys I've finished asgrim the dwarf buy scibor minis, had a lot of fun with this one. the aim was to try and learn something about painting flesh tones and i did learn alot. hopefully it will translate into smaller scales. hope you like it. its up on coolminiornot now so please vote. VOTE HERE
peace out.
peace out.
Sunday, 15 November 2015
Dwarf Bust pt 3
hey guys and girls, I'm almost done working on the dwarf bust. must say that I've very much enjoyed the whole process so far , i tried to make it look as real as possible of course there are a few things I'm not that happy with but as a whole I'm happy. final pics up soon when I'm done
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Asgrim the dwarf pt2
Hey guys done some more work on the bust, the skin is almost done just a few areas to sort out (like the ears) and then on to the beard, i was thinking a grey beard as he has old wrinkly skin that would fit best. sorry pics are not great i was taking a photo after every ''stage'' (although i dont like the idea of painting in stages) so i could do a photo album of transformation from grey resin to finished bust. why? why not!, hope you like it so far, would like to know what you guys think of it so far as facebook comments have been a bit thin on the ground.
more soon
peace out
more soon
peace out
Friday, 30 October 2015
Asgrim the Dwarf W.I.P
Hey guys started work on asgrim the dwarf bust buy scibor miniatures hope you like. wall of pics incoming !!
As you can see still very early stages at the mo.
As you can see still very early stages at the mo.
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